Thorough Examination is the name given to the mandatory inspection required by law to ensure that material handling equipment is in safe working order.
Lifting equipment must receive a Thorough Examination at least once a year and inspections can only be undertaken by a Competent Person. CFTS is a wholly owned subsidiary of the UKMHA that provides accreditation to demonstrate competence. CFTS accreditation shows that you’ve signed up to the industry’s highest standard with a professional code of practice.
To ensure professional standards are maintained and to offer MHE operators complete peace of mind, CFTS-approved engineers cover both the Thorough Examination requirement of LOLER and the Safety Inspection requirement of PUWER.
The CFTS mark is a guarantee that a truck has been examined properly and that key components such as brakes and steering have all been checked along with the lifting mechanism.
UKMHA offers Thorough Examination New Engineer and Revalidation courses at our central training provider: SMB College. These courses are held at SMB’s Stephenson Campus, an esteemed educational establishment with state-of-the-art facilities and highly experienced teaching staff.
Here are the courses currently available: